precipitin ring

precipitin ring
1) Медицина: кольцо преципитации (в реакции иммунохимической кольцепреципитации)
2) Иммунология: кольцо преципитации (в реакции иммунодиффузной кольцепреципитации)

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "precipitin ring" в других словарях:

  • ring test — n a test for antigens or antibodies in which a layer of diluted material suspected of containing antigen is placed over a column of known antiserum in a small test tube or a layer of diluted known antigen is placed over serum suspected of… …   Medical dictionary

  • radial immunodiffusion — (RID) a quantitative immunodiffusion technique in which the antigen solutions are placed in wells cut in an agar plate containing antiserum; the area or diameter of the precipitin ring around an unknown solution is compared with the rings of a… …   Medical dictionary

  • test — 1. To prove; to try a substance; to determine the chemical nature of a substance by means of reagents. 2. A method of examination, as to determine the presence or absence of a definite disease or of some substance in any of the fluids, tissues,… …   Medical dictionary

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